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The cable are used in electrical alarm, centralization and block systems, fire alarm and automation at a nominal voltage of 308V of varying current or at 700V of constant current.
  1. Conductors - Solid copper wire diameter of 1,0 mm
  2. Insulation of conductors – polyethylene.
  3. Core wrapping - PP cavitated film
  4. Shield - Aluminium foil, laminated with a polyethylene film, provides a solid construction including cab-tyre
    polyethylene sheath and protects from water
  5. Sheath - Cab-tyre polyethylene or PVC-compound
  6. Armour - Aluminum wire
  7. Protective outer hose - Cab-tyre polyethylene or PVC-compound

The cable can be with pair twisting or with single conductors.
The number of pairs:

  • CBPV, CBPVng, CBPVep, CBPPepZ, CBPPVepZ – 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 16, 24, 30,48, 61
  • CBPPepZBaSHp, SBPPepZBaSHv – 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 16, 24, 30, 48

Due to the agreement between a producer and a consumer, production of cable of 30 pairs inclusive,
and other number of pairs is possible

The colour of the jacket and hose - black


SBPV - Alarm-block cable with copper cores, polyethylene insulation, in jacket from PVCcompound. For a single installation indoors, in water-free channels and tunnels, in aggressive environment, without any mechanical effects.

SBPVng- The same, in jacket from PVC-compound of high flame resistance. The same + installation in bundles.

SBPVep - The same, and with aluminium foil, laminated with a polyethylene film. For a single installation indoors, in channels and tunnels, in aggressive environment, without any mechanical effects, where environmental disturbances are have to be shielded.

SBPPepZ - Alarm-block cable with copper cores,polyethylene insulation, in polyethylene jacket, with aluminium foil, laminated with a
polyethylene film, with water-blocking core filling. For an installation in plastic pipes(ducts), in the ground, in channels and tunnels, in aggressive environment, without any mechanical effects, where environmental disturbances are have to be shielded.


SBPPVepZ - The same, in PVC-compound jacket. For an installation in plastic pipes(ducts), in the ground, in channels and tunnels, in aggressive environment, without any mechanical effects, in high humidity, where environmental disturbances are have to be shielded.

SBPPepZBaSHp - Alarm-block cable with copper cores, polyethylene insulation, in polyethylene jacket, with aluminium foil, laminated with a polyethylene film, with water-blocking core filling, armoured with wires, with outer protective polyethylene jacket
For an installation in plastic pipes(ducts), in the ground, in channels and tunnels, in aggressive environment, where mechanical effects are possible, also small stretching damage, in high humidity and for sites in danger of EMF.


SBPPepZBaSHv - The same, with outer protective polyethylene jacket. For a single installation in plastic pipes(ducts), in the ground, in channels and tunnels, in aggressive environment, where mechanical effects are possible, also small stretching damage, in high humidity and for sites in danger of EMF.


Operating temperatures for cable in a jacket or a hose from polyethylene – is from – 50ºC to +60ºC, for cable in jacket or a hose from PCV-compound and PCV-compound with high flame resistance - from – 40ºC to +60ºC.

The cable is produced to be laid mechanically and by hand at a temperature from – 10ºC to +60ºC.

Tension weight must be not more than 50H.mm² of the common conductor cross-section area.

Available bending radius of non- armoured cable can be not less than 10 maximal exterior cable diameters, armoured – not less than 15 ones.

Cable is delivered on drums, short one can be delivered on coils. A cable cover is water and chillproof.

An average cable service life is:
without water-blocking core filling – 20years, with water-blocking core filling – 25 years. Service life is estimated from
the manufacture date.

Guarantee period – 4,5 years from the first application.


Conductor electrical resistance to DC, estimated for the length of 1000m, Om For conductors of diameter of:
1,0mm – 25
Electrical resistance to insulation, estimated for the length of 1000m,MOm, not less For cable without water-blocking core filling – 5000
with water-blocking core filling - 4000
Electrical resistance to insulation, estimated for the length of 1000m and temperature of 20ºC, MOm, not less Polyethylene jacket – 500
PCV-compound jacket – 5
PCV-compound jacket with high flame resistance
Polyethylene jacket of protective hose – 500
PCV-compound jacket of protective hose - 5
Attenuation coefficient of cable pairs of pair twisting, estimated for the length of, not more(frequency of 1kHz) For cable without water-blocking core filling – 50
with water-blocking core filling - 60

Capacitive unbalance pF/m, not more(frequency of 1kHz)

The operating length of the cable must be not less than 300m
The colour of sub-units in 61 pair cable - fasten elements: skyblue,orange, green, brawn, grey, white, red, black, yellow, violet. The pairs in 7 pair elementary bundle must have the colour of first or second 6 pairs and one pair from second or first 6 pairs of 12 pair bundle. The colour of insulation of conductors of 12pair bundle: the central conductors – white(natural), red; auxiliary ones – skyblue(blue), orange, green, brawn, grey, red, white(natural).


ТU BY 400424686.007-2009



