Specifications: |
1. Telephone сables TPPep - Telephone cable with polyethylene insulation of conductors, screen from alumina polyethylene tape, in polyethylene sheath. For installation in telephone duct system, in collectors of mines, on the walls of buildings and hanging on overhead TPPepZ - The same, with hydrophobic filling. For installation in telephone duct system, in collectors of mines, on the walls of buildings and hanging on overhead transmission lines, in increased humidity environment TPPepBbShp - Telephone cable with polyethylene insulation of conductors, screen from alumina polyethylene tape, in polyethylene sheath, armoured with corrugated lengthwise armour with anti-corrosive coating, with outside jacket from polyethylene. For installation in the grounds of all categories (except for mechanized – in rocky grounds), not prone to frozen deformations. TPPepZBbShp - The same, with hydrophobic filling. For installation in the grounds of all categories (except for mechanized – in rocky grounds), not prone to frozen deformations, in increased humidity environment. |
2. Telephone Office Cables TSV - Telephone station cable with copper conductors, with isolation from polyvinyl chloride plastic compound, in a sheath from polyvinyl chloride plastic compound. TSVng - Station telephone cable with copper conductors, with isolation from polyvinyl chloride plastic compound, in a sheath made of polyvinyl chloride plastic compound of reduced combustibility. |
3. Telephone and mine cable TPPSHng - Communications telephone cable with copper central cores, polyethylene insulation and cover, TPPBbSHng - Communications telephone cable with coppercentral cores, polyethylene insulation and cover, shielded, steel-tape armored, in jacket from PVCcompound, flame-retardant. Direct burial in soil of all types (except for mechanical installation in rocky soil), which didn’t go though cryogenic damage upon a group installation. TPPSHv - Communications telephone cable with copper central cores, polyethylene insulation and cover, shielded, in jacket from PVC-compound. For cable duct system, collectors, mines, outdoor and indoor cable installation and cable suspension on struts upon a single installation. PPBbSHv - Communications telephone cable with copper central cores, polyethylene insulation and cover, shielded, steel-tape armored, in jacket from PVCcompound. Direct burial in soil of all types(except for mechanical installation in rocky soil), which |
4. Local Telephone High-Frequency Cables for subscriber access KСTPPep - Telephone digital cable with polyethylene insulation of conductors, with a screen from alumina polyethylene tape, in polyethylene sheath. For installation in telephone duct system, in collectors of mines, on the walls of buildings and hanging on overhead transmission telephone and television lines and lines for setting up subscriber access network. KTPPepBbShp - Few-pair telephone cable with polyethylene insulation in polyethylene sheath with alumina polyethylene screen and hydrophobic filling. For installation in telephone duct system, ground and hanging on overhead transmission lines, in increased humidity environment.
5. Local Telephone High-Frequency Cables KSPP - Local telephone cable with polyethylene insulation and polyethylene sheath. For installation in the ground not prone to shift, and in areas not characterized by high risk of damage by rodents. KSPPB - Local telephone cable with polyethylene insulation, armoured, with polyethylene sheath. For installation in the ground not prone to shift, and in areas not characterized by high risk of corrosion towards steel armour. KSPZP - Local telephone cable with polyethylene insulation, polyethylene sheath and hydrophobic filling. For installation in the ground not prone to shift, and in areas not characterized by high risk of damage by rodents, in increased humidity environment. KSPZPB - Local telephone cable with polyethylene insulation, armoured, with polyethylene sheath and hydrophobic filling. For installation in the ground not prone to shift, and in areas not characterized by high risk of corrosion towards steel armour, in increased humidity environment. |
6. Few-pair Communication Cable MTPP - Few-pair telephone cable with polyethylene insulation in polyethylene sheath. For installation in telephone duct system, ground and hanging on overhead transmission lines. MTPPZ - Few-pair telephone cable with polyethylene insulation in polyethylene sheath and hydrophobic filling. For installation in telephone duct system, ground and hanging on overhead transmission lines, in increased humidity environment. MTPPep - Few-pair telephone cable with polyethylene insulation in polyethylene sheath with alumina polyethylene screen. For installation in telephone duct system, ground and hanging on overhead transmission lines MTPPepZ - Few-pair telephone cable with polyethylene insulation in polyethylene sheath with alumina polyethylene screen and hydrophobic filling. For installation in telephone duct system, ground and hanging on overhead transmission lines, in increased humidity environment. MTPV - Few-pair telephone cable with polyethylene insulation in polyvinylchloride sheath. For installation in telephone duct system, ground and hanging on overhead transmission lines. MTPVZ - Few-pair telephone cable with polyethylene insulation in polyvinylchloride sheath and with hydrophobic filling. For installation in telephone duct system, ground and hanging on overhead transmission lines, in increased humidity environment. MTPVsht - Few-pair telephone cable with polyethylene insulation in polyvinylchloride sheath with embedded rope. For installation in telephone duct system, in underground structures with hanging on supports. MTPVshtZ - Few-pair telephone cable with polyethylene insulation in polyvinylchloride sheath with embedded rope and hydrophobic filing. For installation in telephone duct system, in underground structures with hanging on supports, in increased humidity environment. |